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Girls Weekend Getaway!

Posted by Liz on Friday, January 23, 2009 , under | comments (5)

Well, you have all heard me whine, and pout, about BlissDom 2009, and how I really wanted to go to this awesome blogging conference,( even as a "new" blogger! ) Well, after a conversation with my sister last weekend, and by way of a few small "miracles" I am now going on a "girls weekend getaway." (Sorry Becky I just added that part, it made it sound more interesting!) Nope, I'm not going to BlissDom, I am actually going to go visit my sister in El Paso and attend a Beth Moore Conference with her! One other detail about this trip is that it will be one of the first times I have gone somewhere by "myself" in a looooooong time, maybe like, eleven years.

So this conference falls on the same weekend as BlissDom, and of course hubby is much more happy to shell out some moola for Beth Moore, than "some blog thing". So that is the story of my exciting news. I will fly out all alone (YAY) on Friday, and come home Sunday afternoon.

Now I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression here, I will miss my children dearly, and I have already had frightful thoughts about leaving them for that long (yes I know 2 days doesn't seem long) but I trust God to protect them, and I know this time will be good for Jason to spend with the kids. Plus I hope for some spiritual renewal during this time for myself, which in turn can help me to be the best Mother I can be.

So be prepared, when you are hearing all sorts of stories about BlissDom, and viewing all sorts of fun and cute pictures, you can come to my blog instead, and read about my "girls weekend getaway!"

My New Best Friend

Posted by Liz on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 , under | comments (7)

For those of you who are so lucky to know me in real life, (just kidding about the lucky part) then you can vouch for the fact that I can be a bit irresponsible, lazy, forgetful, and cluster-headed. Otherwise known as A.D.D. But that is another subject altogether, so moving on to the point. I have read some interesting posts lately about the use of Moleskines. I had heard of these "notebook type things" before, but just didn't give it much thought. Until now.

First, I read a great post by my long-time friend Laura, here, about her use of Moleskines. This really got those wheels turning in that brain of mine. "Hmmm, this sounds like more than your basic run-of-the-mill planner," I thought. Something I could really use to keep my life together, and quit forgetting appointments, and other important things.

Well about a day later I read a post by Jessica (who is a technological genius with multiple projects going) here, and that really was the "hammer that hit the nail on the head," so to speak. I was convinced, I needed a Moleskine, and I needed it now! Of course I didn't really "need" one, but I was sure willing to give it a try. So after much planning, and consideration, I ended up with a hardback black Moleskine daily planner.

This Moleskine of mine, has faithfully stayed in my purse, and been there (so far) to assist me in my daily life schedule, and routine. Now I just need to read and write in this Moleskine everyday for it to work to it's full potential. For a Mom of 4 kiddos, with a pretty busy life, I would say this Moleskine is a "must!" If you would like to view the Moleskines, then look here.

Menu Plan Monday

Posted by Liz on Monday, January 19, 2009 , under | comments (3)

More WW this week, last week we fell off the wagon, but I promise this week we will be better!
January 19-January 25

Monday-Pita Pizzas
Tuesday-Chicken breasts, broccoli, potatoes, green beans

Wenesday-Crockpot Tamale Pie, asparagus, steamed cauliflower

Thursday-Chicken Baseballs, mixed veggies
Friday-Cheeseburger Soup, corn muffins
Saturday-Italian Bow-Tie Supper, salad, toast
Sunday-Taco Soup, baked chips, reduced fat shredded cheese
Thanks for looking at our menu, and to see many, many others, look at Org Junkie!