Laundry, Laundry, Laundry!
Friday, March 13, 2009
, Posted by Liz at 6:47 PM
In a house of 6 the laundry never ends! Especially with 2 little ones that frequently have accidents and spills, the laundry just multiplies. As I am trying to become a little more green and trying to do my part to help out the environment, I try to come up with more efficient ways to get my laundry done. I heard about an awesome laundry system that is a portable washer and dryer. It is an economical, countertop system that does laundry quickly and easily. This system has been featured on many news networks and is becoming more and more popular. I would love to try it out, and see how it holds up to my rowdy groups' laundry needs! To find out more about this system, head over there here!
P.S. I would try this out on my little one's clothing, as it uses a diluted amount of detergent and uses pressure and warm water to get the job done, no electricity!!
And yes, this is my embarrassing laundry room!
Sounds great I just think it would take a long time to do all my laundry. PS my laundry room makes yours look great. LOL
I feel the same way about my laundry! It never ends. The worst part is that by the time you have it folded and put away, the basket is full of dirty clothes again. ; )
Congrats for winning from @pricousins! Oh and I'm a fellow SiTS member too!
Stop by my blog 4 2 giveaways.
hey congrats on your win! You will have to let us know how you like it. And thank for showing your laundry, it's good to feel normal!
Congratulations on winning!
You would think that with just Rich and I that my laundry wouldn't be too bad. I wash a load every other evening at least!
Hey-Visit my blog at http://conniesclassicclips.blogspot
Talk soon
Portable just doesn't sound like what I want when I think of laundry! LOL!
Btw, my laundry room looks just like that right now. I'm working on it though!
This would be a cool product for me since I'm so unlucky and I don't have a washer and dryer in my house. Imagine that... four people and no laundry facilities. I cringe just thinking about it.