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Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, March 4, 2009 , Posted by Liz at 9:58 AM

My little munchkins at the park one day last week (of course we went on the day when it was 40 degrees, and the day before, it had gotten up to 90 degrees!)

Currently have 12 comments:

  1. MaryAnne says:

    Cute! I'm sure they had fun, even if it was cold. I can't wait for our parks to emerge from the piles of snow...

  1. Grampy says:

    Yes it would be nice if we could see the park. They are snow covered. Forty degrees would be nice. Tomorrow is suppose to get into the high 30's
    Thanks for the visit to my blog.

  1. Isn't weather crazy like that? I never know what to wear when I leave the house because here it will be freezing cold (for my standards) in the morning and then freakin' hot in the p.m.!

  1. Anonymous says:

    how adorable- I'm ready for some warmer weather here so we can head out to our local park..

  1. Dee says:

    CRAZY weather!! That is a great picture though!

  1. Minxy Mimi says:

    What beautiful kiddos!
    Happy WW!

  1. Unknown says:

    Lizzy they are absolutely precious! Happy WW

  1. Jennifer says:

    They are adorable. Nice photo.

  1. Felicia says:

    I can't wait to get to the park!!

  1. Judah got a haircut, they are the cutest! I can't wait to watch them on Monday......

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