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7 Quick Takes

Friday, February 20, 2009 , Posted by Liz at 11:37 AM

I found this neat idea of 7 Quick Takes from my friend Megan's blog, Sorta Crunchy, and decided to try it out myself! The host of 7 Quick Takes is Jennifer at the Conversion Diary, so go check out both of these lovely blogs!

1. I am so used to having a babysitter around (i.e. my Mom or Mother-in-Law) that I realized that I don't really know any official "babysitters" to call upon in my time of need!! (And yes, I know I am spoiled.)

2. I am kinda ticked off that our tax refund is wayyyy less than what we originally thought it would be, but I am very thankful to receive any refund at all!

3. I am taking an online class with a great Christian woman and speaker, Alyssa Avant, to help me with starting a Women's Ministry at our church. I feel really led in this direction and I am excited to follow this passion and get some help doing so! (Check out this program called Faith Leaps, which is just getting off the ground.)

4. I have been ditching the gym lately, and I am really not sure why. I have access to two great workout facilities, both provide childcare, and I just avoid it them both like the plague. I also have a Wii Fit, and it has been ages since I have set foot on that thing! I have gained weight, and basically abandoned weight watchers completely. I know I am dealing with some "blues" but I have to get some motivation going.

5. I really enjoy being apart of Extraordinary Moms group, where I was so fortunate to be included as a Mom Ambassador. I think this great group of gals has been an encouragement to me, and provided me with a wealth of knowledge and information on everything bloggy!

6. I am thinking about renting a big red container, you know the kind they use on construction sites, and remodels, to discard the remains from whatever construction has been done. I really want to purge our house of all of the extra "stuff" that clutters our lives. Okay, so I probably really won't, but the thought has crossed my mind.

7. I have really enjoyed drinking hot tea lately, I am normally a coffee kind of person, but the tea has had a really great flavor, and effect on me. I like the Vanilla Rooibos, and Chai, with a little milk and sweetener.

Currently have 3 comments:

  1. Megan says:
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  1. Megan says:

    I so agree with #6! I need to de-clutter so bad. Let's see which one of us will do it first...I bet it will be you! : )
    Oh and my Wii Fit...I stepped on it the other day for the 1st time in ages and it seriously said, "Kiley is that you? Sorry, I can't recognize you becuase it's been so long!" (you know how it has all of those little comments when you first turn it on) Anyway, Yeah my Wii Fit was making fun of me...that's bad!

  1. I love your number 6!! I think there are times we ALL want to do that. (And there are some people that really could use one when they are clearing out).
    You should join me on Work on it Wednesdays! Would love to have you!
    Very cute blog. I need to read some more.